Leadership, Transparency, and Distorted Narratives: Navigating Challenges in Building a More Perfect Union with David Satterfield

Evan Meyer welcomes, David Michael Satterfield is an American diplomat and ambassador, who has served extensively in the Middle East, including the Persian Gulf area, Lebanon, and Iraq. Meyerside Chats seeks to eliminate the “us and them” narrative and toxic polarization by striving to create virtuous community leadership and authentic conversation. The intent is to showcase […]
Meyerside Chats Chief Batista

Evan Meyer welcomes Chief of Police Ramon Batista to this edition of Meyerside Chats. Interested in any of the civic topics below? Please tune in to Meyerside Chats on the Santa Monica Daily Press. Ramon Batista is the current Chief of Police for the City of Santa Monica. “Putting values into action” is one […]