Using Technology to Inform Decision-Making & Bridge Political Divides w/ Ramayya Krishnan

Evan Meyer welcomes, Ramayya Krishna. Ramayya is an expert on digital transformation and has worked extensively with firms and policymakers on using technology. He is the W. W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at Heinz College and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. […]
Us & Them – Escaping the Human Condition | Maria Madison, Interim Dean of Public Policy, Brandeis

Evan Meyer welcomes, Maria Madison, who is the interim Dean Brandis University, a trained global health researcher. Madison holds a doctorate in population in international health from Harvard. Meyerside Chats seeks to eliminate the “us and them” narrative and toxic polarization by striving to create virtuous community leadership and authentic conversation. The intent is to showcase […]
Leadership, Transparency, and Distorted Narratives: Navigating Challenges in Building a More Perfect Union with David Satterfield

Evan Meyer welcomes, David Michael Satterfield is an American diplomat and ambassador, who has served extensively in the Middle East, including the Persian Gulf area, Lebanon, and Iraq. Meyerside Chats seeks to eliminate the “us and them” narrative and toxic polarization by striving to create virtuous community leadership and authentic conversation. The intent is to showcase […]
Destroying the “Us and Them” Mentality – A Vision for Efficient Civil Discourse

Us and them. It’s part of our DNA, and it’s who we are. It’s what defines our personal identities and the force that drives our economies. But does it help community engagement and the democratic process? Far from it. It hurts me just thinking about it, and I’m seeing this mentality dominate our conversations and hurt the […]
Can we fix politics? | US Congressman, Ted Lieu

Evan Meyer 0:00Good afternoon, sir. Hi, Evan, how are you? How you doing? Good to see you. Ted Lieu 0:06Good to see you. Evan Meyer 0:07So let me ask you, what do you see the problem with politics, and were problems with politics in 2023. Ted Lieu 0:20So I started when I was on a […]